story of the hole in the wall.

The logo and concept behind this brand is something that is very important to us. Our logo is simply an edited picture of a hole that I had punched in the wall at one of my lowest points in life. For a lot of high school I struggled with not fitting in, and always wanting more. Sophomore and Junior year I battled pretty severe depression and had trouble seeing the light. After spending lots of time alone, figuring myself out, and finding the right people, I am now at an incredibly good point in my life. My creativity is at an all-time high, and I am able to do things I love, including hand make these hats, and other garments. With all that being said it is very important to me that I highlight where I came from with this company. It is normal to struggle in becoming your true self, sometimes it takes a while. However, everyone can find a purpose and that message must be spread.


